Jenkins Estate Map
Jenkins Estate Map
Driving Directions
From Portland - Downtown Highway 26 West to 185th/Rock Creek (exit #64). Turn left (south). Follow 185th Ave to SW Farmington Rd (approx. 5 miles) and turn right (west). Turn left onto SW Grabhorn Rd. (209th Ave is to the right)
From Hillsboro - Downtown Tualatin Valley Hwy (Hwy 8) toward Beaverton (east) turn right onto 209th Avenue (south). Cross SW Farmington Rd. The street name changes to SW Grabhorn Rd.
From Salem
I-5 North to Hwy 217 North. Take the Beaverton/Canyon Rd Exit# 2A, take first left on Hwy 10 (west)/SW Farmington Rd. Turn left onto SW Grabhorn Rd. (209th Ave is to the right)
From Portland Airport
Highway 205 South; Highway 84 West (right lane); I-5 South (left lane); I-405 North (center lane); Highway 26 West to 185th/Rock Creek (exit #64). Turn left (south). Follow 185th Ave to SW Farmington Rd (approx. 5 miles) and turn right (west). Turn left onto SW Grabhorn Rd. (209th Ave is to the right)
Jenkins Estate Rhododendron Gardens are maintained by the Tualatin Valley ARS. Helen Hiatt Garden Chair.
Jenkins Estate
8005 SW Grabhorn Road Beaverton, OR97007
Phone: 503-629-6355
Driving Directions Below